Different Types Of Learners In The Classroom And How To Help Them

No two kids are the same, and who would know that better than a teacher? Every child has their own personality and preferred way of learning. Some like to watch videos and make up songs, while others can read books to understand concepts. A teacher needs to understand and accommodate the different types of learners in the classroom.



The 7 Types Of Learners And How To Accommodate Them



1. Auditory Learners

One of the many different types of learners in the classroom are auditory learners, and to be honest, these students are the most comfortable to teach. Students who learn through audio quickly understand concepts simply through listening to them through word of mouth, music, or sounds. Therefore, the easiest and most suitable way to accommodate them is by reciting the lecture yourself, recording audio lessons, and encouraging speech during the class. Ask students to repeat what they learn and explain concepts to each other.



2. Visual Learners

Visual learners learn better through the sense of sight. They understand and memorize information through visually appealing sources like diagrams, charts, cartoons, and so on. These students are often great artists themselves. Thus, when you’re trying to accommodate a spatial or visual learner, resort to images and diagrams. Create flow charts, cartoons, and maps and use colors, shapes, and other visual cues. Also, ask them to repeat the drawings and make images themselves.



3. Verbal Learners

Another one of the different types of learners in the classroom is a verbal learner. These students acquire concepts and knowledge through words, meaning activities that involve speaking and writing. Such students are great storytellers, and they love to read. Thus, you can use these activities to get your point across to them. The key to identifying verbal learners in your class is by noticing which students take notes. If they are noting things down, they probably learn best by writing. However, these students could be outgoing or introspective. You’ll have to identify which is which and then cater to them accordingly.



4. Mathematical Learners

Mathematical, or logical learners, enjoy subjects like accounting, science, programming, etc. They like to learn through numbers and patterns. Thus, the best way to engage them in the class is by involving numbers, dates, and other statistical data in your lectures. Whether you are teaching geography, literature, history, art, or music, try to incorporate numerical or statistical connections between things. Doing this will help them understand, as well as memorize, information, and events very quickly. A quick example would be to teach mathematical relationships between different notes in music class. You could also involve more dates, statistics, and taxonomy in history and geography class. Be creative!



5. Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic or physical learners enjoy hands-on activities and learn better that way. Such students like to get their hands dirty and be energetic. They’re not so great with sitting down in classrooms, listening, or writing. So, for these students, you’ll have to arrange more physically engaging activities. Such exercises include drills, trips, and creating stuff out of raw materials. Also, allow these students to take breaks between more prolonged periods of sitting in the classroom. If they sit for too long, they’ll start to feel lazy and lose concentration. Hence, you’ll find yourself catching a sleeping student!



6. Social Learners

Interpersonal or social learners are great for group learning and social activities. They’re mostly excellent communicators, and they’re very empathetic and sensitive. They will also be the best leaders in a group activity. As a teacher, you can use these skills to help them learn concepts faster. Allow these students to collaborate for mathematical problems and comprehension activities. Try and replay various works of literature and historical events in class. Allow them to be physically active and communicate with other students in the class.



7. Solitary Learners

The last of the different types of learners in the classroom are intra-personal or solitary learners. These students can prefer any of the learning styles mentioned above. Most solitary learners like to sit by themselves and learn alone, which means they are introspective, private, and independent. Engaging such a learner in a class full of students can be challenging. The best way to help them be productive in the classroom is by providing visual materials and learning aids like books and images. If you have such students in your class, designating some quiet areas and hours during the day might also help.



The Role Of Software And Tech Tools

There are different types of learners in the classroom, but specific technical tools and software can help engage any student regardless of their learning preferences. KeyboardingOnline is one such software that helps students improve their typing skills and keep them entertained for a while. Using such types of technical aids and online tools can really help you as a teacher since these activities accommodate almost all learners. Not only will it take some stress off your shoulders, but it will also help you teach students in a fun, engaging way.