Skillbuilding Mastery

Skillbuilding Mastery

Time Range: 50 - 60 Hours
User Range: High School - College

Pre-requisite: 30+ WPM

Skillbuilding Mastery (50-60 hours) is an advanced course designed to increase typing speed and accuracy to more productive levels of 50+ WPM. Timing lengths are longer and range from 15 second to 5 minutes. All key reaches are covered, numbers, and symbols. Five proof reading lessons are also included.

Each Skillbuilding Mastery lesson is designed to reinforce each key reach with a strong push for speech and accuracy. Students using this course should already have good technique (no Hunting & Pecking) and they will improve their speeds tremendously. There are nearly 500 timed writings provided in the default curriculum. You can always add or replace contents with your own custom lessons.

We provide a complete curriculum by default (see below). However, you can always add/delete your own content and make your own course should you choose!