Keyboard Mastery

Keyboard Mastery

Time Range: 50 - 60 Hours
User Range: Middle School - College

Keyboard Mastery (50-60 hours) is an intensive course that will teach beginners how to keyboard correctly and teach more experienced students to keyboard faster. Covered are: alphabetic keys, punctuation, numbers and symbols; with over 560 timed drills.

In approximately 50-60 hours (a good quarter or semester course), beginners can reach speeds of 25-35+ WPM and also attain accepted accuracy standards of one (1) error per minute of timed writing. Timing drills range from 15-second to 5-minute and allow more reinforcement to maintain the skills learned.

Keyboard Mastery (50-60 hours) is a thorough typing course covering all letters, numbers, and symbols. Timing drills range from 15-second to 5-minute. This course is typically used in a semester or 1 credit course format.

In approximately 50 hours, beginners can reach speeds of 30-35+ WPM and also attain accepted accuracy standards of one (1) error per minute of timed writing. Experienced typists can improve their speeds by 10-25+ WPM. Keyboard Mastery is appropriate for High School, and Adult-College education.

There are 550+ predefined timed drills that are automatically scored and recorded when the student meets the standards set by the instructor (the instructor sets his/her own grading and accuracy standards). Course content is customizable, lessons can be removed, custom lessons can be added. Every lesson contains timed drills and students are encouraged to meet the standards applied by the instructor beginning right with Lesson 1.

Standards can be individualized to each type of student so that each student is challenged: the special needs, beginning students, and experienced students can all be graded differently by applying different profiles appropriate for each student type. In additional to individualizing goals, accuracy standards, minimum speeds, etc., the number of lessons can also be individualized.

For experienced typists, use the 1-minute Course Entry timing. If a student already can type 30 WPM, apply a higher grading scale of 50 WPM as the goal for each timed drill in each lesson. When the course is finished, the Course Exit timing should be taken. The Course Entry score, Course Exit score, and Improvement score will show on the Final Grade Report. There is much to be gained by going over the basics again at a high rate of speed (goal) each time.

Keyboard Mastery (50-60 hours) is an intensive course that will teach beginners how to keyboard correctly and teach more experienced students to keyboard faster. Covered are: alphabetic keys, punctuation, numbers and symbols; with over 560 pre-defined timed drills (because you can always add/remove without your very own custom lessons and tests).

  • In approximately 50-60 hours (a good quarter or semester course), beginners can reach speeds of 25-35+ WPM and also attain accepted accuracy standards of one (1) error per minute of timed writing. Timing drills range from 15-second to 5-minute and allow more reinforcement to maintain the skills learned.
  • Timed drills that are automatically scored and recorded when the student meets the standards set by the instructor (the instructor sets his/her own grading and accuracy standards. Every lesson contains timed drills and students are encouraged to meet the standards applied by the instructor beginning right with Lesson 1.
  • The course is divided into four sections. Each section can be applied separately or all encompassing.
  • Standards can be individualized to each type of student so that each student is challenged: the special needs, beginning students, and experienced students can all be graded differently by applying different profiles appropriate for each student type. In additional to individualizing goals, accuracy standards, minimum speeds, etc., the number of lessons can also be individualized. For example, special needs students might be assigned only lesson 1-11; beginners might be assigned lessons 1-24, while experienced students might begin at lesson 12 (skipping the learning key reaches section). Instructors may also choose to omit lessons 25-33 which cover numbers and symbols.
  • For experienced typists, use the 3-minute Course Entry timing. If a student already can type 40 WPM, apply a higher grading scale of 50 WPM as the goal for each timed drill in each lesson. When the course is finished, the Course Exit timing should be taken. The Course Entry score, Course Exit score, and Improvement score will show on the Final Grade Report. There is much to be gained by going over the basics again at a high rate of speed (goal) each time.

We provide a complete curriculum by default (see below). However, you can always add/delete your own content and make your own course should you choose!