We have been planning on a new feature for some time now, it was much more involved than originally planned. We are excited to announce that we are rolling out a new feature for creating tests in your keyboarding programs
A test is basically a custom lesson you can create with:
- It’s own grading standards (errors, blackout, minimum WPM req, etc.) A test profile applies only to the test!
- #Retakes allowed, password protected access
- Date open/closed for testing availability
This new test feature will be a great option for creating a unique mid-term, final exam, or weekly quiz for keyboarding. The scores will show on the students’ progress and effort reports just like any other timing.
Also coming out in 1-2 months due to teacher requests:
- Full Clever support (e.g. class rostering)
- Net WPM calculations in score reports (you will be able to toggle between gross WPM and net WPM scores on student reports)
The next feature update coming out this summer is full Clever integration. You will be able to sync classes and students with your Clever account. There is an additional charge for rostering (Clever charges application providers for syncing/rostering, a per school cost). There is still no cost for using Clever for simple sign on.
Thank you for being an advocate for teaching keyboarding; a life long skill that makes better students and employees. Good keyboarding skills help students, and later as employees, be more productive in accomplishing their work. Thank you for helping students and their future be more successful.