We have a lot of new features and updates that are now available. The Keyboarding Online team has been busy crossing off to-do’s from a list of features we had planned. On a funny side note, with more students working from home this semester our anti-cheat algorithm has been more active then ever before. This algorithm senses when students are using auto-typers or typing bots in their web browser and locks their account until the instructor unlocks it. It has been fun to watch!
We will break down all updates into two sets, Administration features and Student software features.
Administration Features
New Syncing & Rostering options:
Keyboarding Online now supports direct rostering through the Skyward OneRoster API https://support.keyboardingonline.com/support/skyward-sis-oneroster1-1. We also added support for class creation using Blackboard. To make your life easier you have multiple ways to create class lists–some are done at the teacher level and some are done at the district level.
Teacher level (see Teacher Manager -> Classes-> 3rd Party Sync)
- Manually create class and student lists, or use .csv files (Comma Separated Value) files.
- Use the self registration option where students click on a link and add themselves to a class.
- Canvas, Google Classroom, Clever Classroom, Blackboard, Office365.
District level
- ClassLink, Clever, Skyward SIS OneRoster API
- If your district SIS (Student Information System) is not Skyward, but has OneRoster API access, please contact us as we will likely be able to add it to the list of SIS systems we support
Student Features
Keyboarding for Kids: Has a new game, “Deep Sea Fishing”. We will be expanding this game even more in the near future.
All programs:
- New keyboard animation to show correct finger reaches for on lessons when learning key reaches.
- Keyboard Heatmap to show trouble keys. Problem keys, or keys reaches with the most errors, are colored with darker shades of red.
- The lesson screen full screen mode is even better, allowing students to better see the text of longer timings.
- New introduction and tutorials under the “Help” menu. The S.E.C.R.E.T. keyboarding techniques video is linked directly from the software.
As always, we value your feedback and appreciate your continued support of the Keyboarding Online platform. Everything is developed, maintained, and supported in-house with our own development team. Because of this you get top notch support; more than you are likely accustomed to, and dynamic and constantly improving software. We know you have options, just not better options. Thank you for choosing Keyboarding Online. Stay safe and stay healthy!