The Importance of Discussion in the Classroom

If you want your lessons to get through to your students, then you should encourage discussion in your classroom. A good discussion will spark interest, critical thinking, and creativity in your students. It’ll help them remember what they’ve learned. And most importantly, it’ll break up the monotony of listening to lectures all day.

That’s why we’ll be talking about the importance of discussion in the classroom. We’ll go over what makes a good discussion, how to get your students to participate, and how to keep the discussion on track. So let’s get started!


The Importance of Discussion in the Classroom


Discussion allows for critical thinking and problem solving

When students are actively engaged in discussion, they are thinking about and processing the information presented to them. This helps them to better understand and remember the material. And it also allows students to practice higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Through discussion, students are also able to problem-solve. If they don’t understand something, they can ask questions and get clarification from their peers or the teacher. This is an important life skill that will serve them well in the future. Bouncing ideas off of other people means you’ll need to sometimes share not-so-great ideas and be willing to accept what feels like negative feedback. But group problem-solving will be a great tool any student can add to their arsenal to become a more effective student and person. And it all starts with discussion.


It develops communication skills

In order to participate in a discussion, students need to be able to communicate effectively. This means being able to speak clearly and concisely, as well as listen attentively to others. As students practice these skills in the classroom, they’ll be better prepared for success in the real world. And most importantly, they’ll be better able to express their own ideas and opinions.


It helps with memory retention

A student recalling something

When students are actively engaged in a discussion, they are more likely to remember what is being discussed. This is because they are using multiple senses (sight, sound, touch) to take in the information. Additionally, they are connecting the new information with prior knowledge, which helps to solidify it in their memory. This will help them not only in the short-term, but also in the long-term and also in all of their other classes as well.


It encourages empathy and understanding of others

Discussion provides an opportunity for students to see things from another person’s perspective. This can help them to develop empathy and understanding for others, both in and out of the classroom. It goes without saying that these are important life skills that will benefit them now and in the future.

You can help foster this by creating a safe and welcoming environment where all students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. Open up a discussion by asking questions that encourage students to think about how someone else might feel in a particular situation. From there, let the discussion flow and see where it takes you.


It promotes a love of learning

When students are given the chance to discuss what they’re learning, they often become more interested and excited about the material. It’d be best if you encourage this by asking questions that get them thinking deeply about the topic at hand. Asking follow-up questions is also a great way to keep the discussion going and to really get your students engaged.

For example, if you’re discussing a historical event about a famous figure, you might ask:

  • If you were in a “historical person’s” place, what would you do?
  • How do you think “historical person” felt during this event?
  • If “historical person” was your friend, what would you have suggested they do?

And so on. These types of questions will get your students thinking critically about the material and they’ll be more likely to remember it down the road. Even better, they might even start to enjoy learning!



As you can see, discussion is an important part of the learning process. It allows for critical thinking, problem solving, and mastery of the material. It also develops communication skills, encourages empathy and understanding, and promotes a love of learning. So the next time you’re planning a lesson, make sure to include time for discussion. Your students will be better for it!

Of course, discussion isn’t limited to what happens in the classroom. With great typing skills, your students can have discussions with people all over the world! That’s why we offer a variety of typing programs and lessons to help your students improve their skills. Just check out KeyboardingOnline to get started. Your students will be typing up a storm in no time!