Teacher Manager

Live Student Monitor

This is called our Live Student Monitor, and it is a great feature that has been requested many times. We have even made it super simple to use. To use this feature your students will need to be logged in, and you will need to be logged into the Teacher

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Student Effort Reports

There is actually a lot more information that our Effort Reports can show that not many instructors even know about. Most just see the basic times that all of the students have,  but you can dive even deeper into their times. We will start you off on our Effort Report

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Creating and Assigning Tests

To create a test you will first need to go into the Course Curriculum tab within the teacher manager, and then select Tests. Once here you will need to select Create New Test in the top right of your screen and give it a name. Now you should see a

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What are Game Profiles

What are Game Profiles? Game profiles are found within the teacher manager. It allows the instructor to restrict or even completely hide the Games for the students. Below we will show you the different options that you can set, and how to assign them to your students. Creating a Game

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Canvas Sync

Syncing with Canvas Keyboarding Online has the ability to sync your Canvas classes and students with Keyboarding Online. This means that you can easily create your students inside Keyboarding Online and keep them updated through out the course. The other benefit is that students will be able to sign into

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Reports Center

Reports Center We have created many reports to allow teachers to view the progress of their students. We have progress reports, class reports, and effort reports all at your disposal. Everything is calculated in real time. All you need to do is set the grading standards in the students’ profile

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Creating Students

In this tab you will be able to create your students either individually or you can upload them all at once with an Excel file or CSV file. Creating Individual Students: Class Assignment: If you have a class assignment ready, you will find it in the drop down menu. This

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How to use an Access Schedule

The access schedules are to be used when instructors want their students to only work during certain hours of the day. For example, some instructors only want their students to work for one hour a day during a specific class period. With our schedule feature this is very easy to

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