Teacher Manager

Teacher Manager – Getting Started

Step 1 – Create a Class When you want to create a new class you will click on the “+ Create New Class” button at the top right of the classes section. Once clicked a pop up will appear asking you to name the new class. Click OK to continue.

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Effort Goal Report

Our Goal Effort Report allows you to set daily and weekly effort goals for the students to reach. Goal Effort- You can set the number of hours and minutes either per daily and weekly goals that the students should meet. In the example above we can see that the Effort

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Instructor List

The Instructor List displays all of the teachers that have access to the program. If you are an admin, you will be able to add new instructors to the program, remove old instructors, and edit the username and password of existing instructors. When adding a new instructor, you will need

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Restoring Data for Synced Students

Syncing makes the account creation and login process easier for both students and teachers. Usually that means students just need to click a button and they are instantly logged in; no passwords to remember, no webpages to visit. There are problems, however, that can arise from using syncing or rostering

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In the classes tab, you can see all of the classes created by you or your school admin. You will also be able to see all of the students created by you or your school admin. Creating a class will be the first step in creating a course for your

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How to Create A Student File

In the teacher manager select Users and then select Create Students Once you have selected Create Students you will be brought to the following screen. Each field is required except for the Email Address. If left empty, a username will be generated for the student file. Select the class you

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Grading Profiles

Grading profiles are one of the most important elements of the entire program and if understood correctly can save so much time and effort. Every student created will need a profile assigned to their file. The grading profile tells the program how fast the student needs to type, how many

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Student Self-Registration

Self Registration links make each new semester a breeze. Creating the Self Registration link allows your students to quickly and easily sign up for your class. In the image below you can see the list of current links that I have active. All you would need to do is copy

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Emailing Student Login Credentials

Sending students their login information is now easier than ever! Please note that this option will only work if you have logged into the teacher manager WITH a valid email address, and as long as your student accounts all have valid email addresses within our program. This is because we

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Message Center

The program has a built-in messaging system for you to communicate with your instructor, and vice versa. You can only message your instructor and not other students. It is intended to be a simple way to receive messages and notifications from your instructor, but you do have the option to

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