Software FAQs

How To Maximize the Lesson View

Some of our longer lessons may take up the full page on your web-browser which may require you to scroll down to see all of the lesson text. We don’t want you to have to stop typing to scroll, so we have added the option for you to make the

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Where can I buy just an access code?

If you want to buy just an access code without a book, visit our retail store at and select access code from the menu.  Find the program you need the access code for and click the “Buy Now” button.  After you fill out all the personal information and submit payment and

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Do you accept returns?

We do accept book returns in some cases. Returns… will be accepted if the book wasn’t opened. must be free of any bookstore pricing stickers or markings. will be accepted if the access code hasn’t been scratched off. may be subject to a 5-10% restocking fee.  Any access codes that

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Program Settings- Student

If you are curious about which lessons, custom lessons or tests are assigned to you, you can go into your program settings. Which will also show how your instructor is grading you and the minimum requirements they have set for each of your lessons. Timing Options- Minimum Speed- In order

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Student Orientation

Starting your Lessons Some of you will need to enter an access code in order to have access to all of the lessons, without the access code, you will only have access to a very small portion of the program. If you are unsure if you need an access code

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After logging in and selecting your class and program, you will then be brought to a page that looks like the following. Intro On the left hand side you’ll see all a Magnifying Glass icon. This is our quick navigation option. In this instance, the student is required to complete

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Missing/Overlapping Text on Screen

Why This Happens- Sometimes this happens with older and smaller screens. Our web-page has been designed to meet the needs of most modern screens, which are predominantly wide-screen. But we do understand that some schools out there still use these older screens, so we will walk you through a couple

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Getting Help

There are multiple ways of finding answers to your questions here at Keyboarding Online. Obviously you know that already if you’re here! This article will go over the various ways of finding/receiving help for our program. On our home page at there is a Support button in the header. When you

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