How to Create A Student File
In the teacher manager select Users and then select Create Students Once you have selected Create Students you will be brought to the following screen. Each field is required except for the Email Address. If left empty, a username will be generated for the student file. Select the class you would like your student assigned […]
Ten Key Mastery – Student Guide
Our Ten Key Mastery Program may look a bit different from our other programs, but the principals of the program are the same. Type as efficiently as you can in the time allotted. Please note that a Ten Key pad is REQUIRED in order to get scores in this course. Ten Key Mastery Dashboard The Ten Key […]
What is Net WPM?
In the grading profiles you are given the option to have your students graded off of their Gross WPM or their Net WPM. The main difference between the two being that with Net WPM with every error the students make, 1wpm is taken off of their wpm score. Confusion can come up for students when […]
How To Maximize the Lesson View
Some of our longer lessons may take up the full page on your web-browser which may require you to scroll down to see all of the lesson text. We don’t want you to have to stop typing to scroll, so we have added the option for you to make the lesson full-screen, which eliminates the […]
Teacher Manager Class Semester Start Checklist
The beginning of the semester can be stressful! This checklist should assist in making the start a little smoother. 1: Create your Class while in the teacher manager. Select Classes, and then select Create New Class in the top right, and give it a name. 2: Create a Grading Profile to assign to your students. […]
Grading Profiles
Grading profiles are one of the most important elements of the entire program and if understood correctly can save so much time and effort. Every student created will need a profile assigned to their file. The grading profile tells the program how fast the student needs to type, how many errors they are allowed to […]
Ten Key Mastery – Student Guide
Once you have logged into Ten Key Mastery you will be brought to our Lessons Dashboard. If you need to skip to a specific lesson, click on the Magnifying Glass in the top left of your screen, and select the lesson you want to skip to. To start your lesson, click on the “play” button […]
Student Self-Registration
Self Registration links make each new semester a breeze. Creating the Self Registration link allows your students to quickly and easily sign up for your class. In the image below you can see the list of current links that I have active. All you would need to do is copy the link and send it […]
Feature Overview – Curriculum Viewer
Live Student Monitor